Online Humor

The crazy musings of what I think is funny!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

have a great job, I am a very lucky person even if my brain is starting to go on creative burn out. Thankfully, I believe that the World Wide Wtf? Will continue to provide me with things to write about. Such as the article by PC World titled The 25 Worst Web Sites.
I am a Libra and for anyone who has ever had the curiosity to look up what astrology sign means, you may know that Libras have a inexhaustible thirst of curiosity for ohhh what is that? I just could not resist clicking. I spend 75% of my life online so how could I not click the pretty red square box link? When the title The 25 Worst Web Sites jumped into view I just had to jump in and see.
Some things are left unseen and unknown just not for Libras.

Number 25 was award to Rent My Chest

That does not mean what I think it does, does it? It does. For just $20 he will paint your message or web site name on his chest and than scan it in high resolution and than you get to keep the 640 x 480 JPEG and use it any way you like. The cool aspect? He will write your message or web site name with a black, purple, brown, green, red, or blue markers.

Number 23 has been awarded to Inmates For You
Are you against the Dating Game? Than this site will convince you why it is ok to be picky about whom you go out with. The site will assist you in finding that special someone and ensure that you really get to know the person really well. Eventually the two of you may meet and realize that you two were meant to be together, even if you have to wait 13 years for their parole to come up.

Were you just dying to know who bought the "Holy Toast" That is the grilled cheese sandwich that looks like the Virgin Mary. Are you a Trekkie? Want to know who bought the kidney stone of William Shatner? It was Worst Web Sites winner number 21 Golden Palace Casino.

I guess it was just a matter of time.

Contestant number 14 is Bid For Surgery
Sadly, the site is exactly what it says it is. I took a look at the site and while the site looks professional, I am a reader and reading is what I did. The site is Priceline for cosmetic surgery.


Number 11
This one puts a bit of fear in me in thinking what sites could be worse than Rabies for Kids?

My first thought when I saw the name was OMG (oh My God) no one would be dumb enough to give kids rabies would they. Thankfully I was definitely wrong. The web site is a branch of the Centers for Disease Control and is gluttony of graphical overload.
But Wait! It gets better! You will find not one not two but three pictures that will have you covering your mouth and skipping lunch for the day. In Activates all the kiddies will get to see the bran of a dog being sliced with a scalpel. As if you thought that was enough? With all of the education, they also get a Certified Rabies Smart Kid Certificate ensuring that you or the child you are not so fond of reads the entire site and can successfully answer all of the quiz questions correctly.

Number 10 is an honorable mention because it comes from my 2nd home of Seattle. My Lackey. This Seattle-based site offered to walk your dog, pick up your dry cleaning, and do all other manner of scut jobs for a fee. However, the infamous memo from the cofounder scolded all of the employees for not putting in 11 hour days and they went out of business 16 months later.

Number 1
After reading Rabies for Kids, it is taking me a while to actually click and find out who is number 1.
Must be brave
Breath breath

OK here we go.
Number 1 worst web site has been award to

My Space!

According to PC World Yes, we know. With more than 90 million users, My Space is now more popular than Elvis, "American Idol," and ice cream. But the Webs most visited destination is also the most poorly designed and counterproductive.

Just goes to prove yet again that some of the goofiest inventions make the most money.

"Please write again soon. Though my own life is filled with activity, letters encourage momentary escape into others' lives and I come back to my own with greater contentment."
Elizabeth Hailey, "A Woman of Independent Means"


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