Online Humor

The crazy musings of what I think is funny!

Monday, October 30, 2006

The 10 clues you need to recognize that you need a new job

1. The most rewarding thing you did this week was polish all of your Bic pens giving them a beautiful shine.

2. Your boss keeps forgetting your name and you two have work together for more than 6 months and had no problems remembering it until recently.

3. You constantly daydream about being a forest ranger.

4. When you close your eyes to sleep, you still see images of what you did during the day (or worse - your boss).

5. You now cry when you watch the move Office Space

6. You tend to get sympathy whenever you mention where you work.

7. You swear someone slowed down all of the clocks to operate at half the speed they're supposed to.

8. You wish you would have remembered to record today's Jerry Springer episode

9. Your start questioning why all of the windows have impossible to open locks or why none of the windows can be opened.

10. You read all of the comics online in the morning and check back in the middle of the day to see if tomorrow's comic has been uploaded yet.


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