Online Humor

The crazy musings of what I think is funny!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Artistic ability for those who think they have none.

  1. To get a better feeling of the below statement…
  2. Put the back of your right hand lightly against your forehead
  3. Tilt your head back slightly (not too much)
  4. Look past your right hand (or at least try to)
  5. ...and sound dramatic when you say

“We are nothing but lines, dots and sprays of electronic human movement.”

While you practice that a few times and perfect the infliction of the artistic muse, don’t forget to create the art your speak of.

No time to be an artist? No problem! Here is a way to create artwork that is actually created by your mouse movement while you work (answer emails, use Photoshop, surf the web, etc.)

The medium is called 9 to 5 Paintings and can be found here to see what it looks like

...and here to start making your art.


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