Online Humor

The crazy musings of what I think is funny!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Seattle SLUTs

Only in Seattle a former (yes former) relentless politically correct city would have an official slut.

Officially, it's the South Lake Union Streetcar (trolley). But in the neighborhood where the new public transportation line runs, it's called the SLUT. Ladies and gentlemen start your jokes now!


Kapow! Coffee, sold out on their T-shirts bearing the words "Ride the SLUT" another 100 are on order.
"We're welcoming the SLUT into the neighborhood," said Jerry Johnson, 29, a part-time barista. Don’t all men welcome sluts?
According to a Vulcan Inc representatives -- the company that is developing the area -- South Lake Union Trolley was the original name until officials they realized the acronym a little too late. The $50.5 million project is expected to be completed with more SLUTs running in December of this year.

A meeting with city representatives from several years ago hasn’t produced much until the SLUT arrived. Since that meeting Cascade was ignored in Vulcan brochures that lump the neighborhood together with Denny Park and Denny Triangle under the term South Lake Union. With the SLUT Don Clifton, a Cascade resident said "We learned how fun it is to change the name of things”.

South Lake Union Trolly


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