The Seven Deadly Internet Sins
I'm having a tough time concentrating lately. I believe it's because I have a lot on my mind in regards to personal issues and side projects I would rather be working on. In addition there's all of life's little intrusions that stumble around in our heads. Much like dumb drivers who constantly cross traffic lanes for no apparent reason -- they're hard to ignore.
I saw a short version of this on the Compete website and I thought I could expand and make it better. So here is my attempt at creating The Seven Deadly Internet Sins
* Lust: Lust is any thought involving obsessive, excessive or any general thoughts or desires that relates to sex. In that definition, any ex rated adult website qualifies. However, since I do need to name at least one website that best classifies (in my opinion) the object Lust I choose MySpace.
Not too many other websites grabs the lust attention from all ages both illegally and legally – moral and immoral and expands the lust from simple Playboy socially accepted lust object to not quite socially accepted lust fetish.
* Gluttony: This is a hard choice for me. I love fresh / quality – breads, fruit, seafood and gently cooked meats. Than again, gluttony isn't just for foods, gluttony is the overindulgence in any one thing. So what do I overindulge in to the point of being sinful? Costumes. I always spend a small fortune on costumes. My Glottony is Labyrinth of Jareth Fantasy Masquerade Ball - Labyrinth of Jareth
* Greed: Much like Lust and Gluttony Greed is a sin of excess. As seen by the Catholic church Greed applies to the acquisition of wealth. In Dante's Purgatory, the penitents (repentant sinner) were bound and laid face down on the ground for having concentrated too much on earthly thoughts. With that I believe Greed is excess of personal money, material wealth and power which is used for the sole use of not benefiting others because they simply do not want to. Greed is The federal government of the United States - Congress
* Sloth: I had a hard time picking an appropriate website for Sloth. The definition of Sloth has changed considerably since its original inclusion and modern writers have described it as apathy, depression, and joylessness – other writers have tagged it as lazy and a refusal to work. The modern view of Sloth has been represented as a failure to utilize one's talents and or gifts; one that refuses to achieve his or her full potential in life and or work. Hmmm I could easily attach a couple of my ex-boyfriend's profiles to Sloth.
Nonetheless, current interpretations are often seen simply as a sin of laziness. The guys and gals who stand at the exit of highways don't have their own website … that I know of … and I simply cannot find anther that best represents sloth because if they created a website they would not be slothful. I choose the highway exit beggars (no website)
Want a good advertising idea? Hire one of these guys/gals to hold up a sign that says
"Homeless and hungry – can you spare some change? This message has been sponsored by Mr. B's Corporate Bug Spray – get rid of pests go to MrBBugOff . com"
* Wrath: I may get hate mail for this but oh well make up a new sin for me because I don't care. Wrath is described as excessive, unnecessary and unjustified feelings of hatred and anger. Rap Music -CRap One website why I choose Rap Music as Wrath - Lyrics from Rap Artists Look at the top ten.
* Envy: This was easy. I choose Perez Hilton - He's the poster boy for going straight. Celebrity blog site covering paparazzi gossip. Have you ever seen him on television? He's an annoying leech.
* Pride: Melanie Griffith - - For her "I am a goddess" website
I compiled a Complete profile snapshot and it looks as if of all the seven deadly internet sins, Lusts wins. In order (Not including Sloth)
1. Lust: MySpace
2. Envy: Perez Hilton
3. Greed: The federal government of the United States
4. Wrath: Rap Music
5. Gluttony: Labyrinth of Jareth Fantasy Masquerade Ball
6. Pride: Melanie Griffith
If you have any suggestions on websites I should have considered leave them in Comments.
Labels: adult humor, beggars, deadily sins, envy, Gluttony, greed, lust, pride, Religion, sloth, top 7, wrath