Does anyone remember the childhood game Freeze?
It was a silly nonchalant outdoors game where a group of kids would run amok on the lawn until the ‘it’ person would scream "Freeze!" Than all of the kids would suddenly freeze in whatever position they were currently in at the moment Freeze was announced.

Mischievous 13 to 15 year old students turned the game into a work of art on a recent trip to the Tate Modern when they froze in several different poses.
Tate Modern and contemporary art lovers and tourists photographed the 41 students as they stood, sat or laid down in the London gallery's Turbine Hall – after their teachers went for a cup of tea.
When the teachers returned, they thought the admiring crowd was for 'a new, eccentric exhibition.'
“It was hilarious,' said modern languages teacher Peter Taylor, from Debenham High School in Suffolk.
Labels: childhood games, London, students, Tate Modern