Online Humor

The crazy musings of what I think is funny!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Lego my LEGO bricks

Nathan Sawaya was a full-time attorney who switched to being a full time LEGO artist. Hold your lawyer / toy jokes until later...

I use to love playing with Legos as a kid and even thought I was pretty good. But after looking at the pics on his site all I can say is, "WOW!" And I thought the little spaceships and boats I made were pretty good. Yea.... hiding those pictures.

A childhood obsession is now his life's calling.

He took a Lego leap of faith leaving a six-figure job as a corporate lawyer and started building his professional Lego artist career with a13-dollars an hour job at Lego Land to make – of course Lego sculptures. He is now one of the premiere Lego artists in the world earning thousands of dollars for his original works of art.

Check out his life-size Han Solo in Carbonite on his website, Star Wars geek will be able to catch a dozen flies when you see the pictures.

No Limits! Brit will skateboard across five European countries

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Are You A Lazy Kitchen John?

One of the best ways to know if a guy is worth dating is by looking inside his refrigerator. John lived in an adorable Bay area cottage with hardwood floors in a just as adorable Bay area city just outside of San Francisco. Everything about him was adorable except his refrigerator. The first time I went to his apartment (during the summer) I asked if he had anything cold to drink. Being an adorable sort of man he nonchalantly told me he had some cold soda pops in the refrigerator.

I walked into his adorable petite kitchen that contained his charming rustic refrigerator and opened the door to a ghastly so very not adorable contents. I actually closed the refrigerator door and I remember thinking I must have been heat induced delusional for a moment there… I opened the refrigerator door again and was frozen in a Medusa like horrific sculpture as I stared at hundreds of dead ants inside his refrigerator and a trail of dead ants leading into his freezer.

In addition, there was one six pack of soda pop, a small pizza box, a few empty fast food bags and some plastic containers that could have only come from mom but have contained life forms that Cthulhu himself would have felt motherly pride for.

When a person places more importance on they’re $300 sunglasses instead of spending $50 for maid service, ya just gotta realize they’re priorities are a bit spoiled. Obviously, we didn’t date very long.

The reason this story reemerged to the front of my memory is because I saw a nifty new gadget that all kitchen lazy Johns (people) should have. The Double U Days Ago Digital Day Counter

Suction and magnetic style gadgets count the days of the container from the time you first placed it in the refrigerator. So, now instead of seeing a half opened jar of spaghetti sauce, you can now see the half opened jar of spaghetti sauce is 32 days old, thirty-two days later. It won’t tell you if the sauce has gone bad, but if you’re a lazy kitchen Jon, the ants will do that for you.

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